Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Adventures into the SEO World

Have you ever felt incredibly passionate about something or someone? So much so that it is all consuming? Strangely enough, when I discovered the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) I was completely enraptured. I didn't know the proper term for it but I knew I wanted to figure out how I could get a website to the top of Google. I have had some successes already. Two websites I've worked with Julie Jams and White and Weeks Team Real Estate are on the first page of Google. Given their success I am incredibly motivated to learn as much as possible to become a top notch SEO.

This blog will be dedicated to my personnel process of becoming a full time SEO. What will I experience? What will be the hurdles that I didn't expect? I hope to provide interesting insight as well as some comic relief. More to come.
